A Wee Wine Christmas Tree *** Zakorkowana choinka

W zeszlym roku mielismy tropikana choinke z ananasa (zdjecie), ktora wygladala i pachniala przepieknie, ale przyciagala rowniez swoim slodkim zapachem muszki owocowki. Malym insektom na pewno zasmakowaly rowniez roztapiajace sie i kapiace cukierki miodowe:)

W tym roku postanowilam wiec sprobowac czegos innego i w ktoryms momencie przypadl mi do gustu pomysl na choinke z korkow po winie, ktory znalazlam gdzies w internecie. A wina w Boliwii nie brak! Niestety, nie zbieralam korkow przez caly rok, ale starczylo na male drzewko, ktore stanelo (po kilku probach sklejania w temperaturze powyzej 30 stopni C) w pieknej splaszczonej butelce (po winie oczywiscie), zakupionej niedawno na bazarze rekodziela.


Korkowej choince akompaniuja malutkie figurki w narodowych strojach Boliwii oraz nasze ‘domowa zagroda‘, w ktorej sklad wchodza 3 gliniane zolwie, swinka- skarbonka, slon, srebrna lama, pilnowane przez wojownika – swiecznika i brazowa figurke bozka Inkaskiego. Brakuje tylko Swietej Rodziny, ale moze jeszcze uda sie ja skompletowac.(——————> zjedz na koniec strony!).

Nasza nowa choinka nie spodobala sie Marudzie, ale nam sie podoba i to bardzo!:)



Last year we had tropical Christmas Tree made of pineapple (photo), which looked and smelled beautifully, but also attracted with its delightful scent lots of fruit flies. Small insects certainly liked as well sweet honey candies dissolving and dripping in a heat:)

This year I decided to try something different and I liked the idea of wine corks Christmas Tree decoration, I’ve found somewhere in internet.  And there is a lot of wine in Bolivia! Unfortunately, I haven’t collected corks throughout the year, but just enough for the small tree, which eventually stood still (after a few tries, sticking it in temperatures above 30 degrees C) in a lovely flattened bottle (of wine, of course), recently purchased on handicraft bazaar.

Cork Christmas tree is accompanied by the tiny figures in the national Bolivian costumes, and our ‘home farm‘, which consists of three clay turtles, piggy – bank, elephant, silver lama, looked after by a warrior – candlestick and Inca idol. The only thing missing is the Holy Family, but we still have some time to complete it.

Grumpy Smurf did not like our new Christmas Tree, but we do like it a lot!:)

And one week later —————————->

There he is, little baby Jesus!

